Mobile | Mon Jan 03 20222,544 views

Pokedex App

Welcome back my friend! 🤓

This is a cool app that allows users to view pokemon and their information. this is a perfect project for those who want to learn how to use Redux in React Native with Typescript.

About this app

We use the Pokenode-ts API to fetch the data, if you want to know more about the API, you can check the documentation.


For the design of this app, I got inspiration from this Figma File.


You can use Yarn or NPM to install the dependencies. In this case we use Yarn.

yarn add pokenode-ts
yarn add react-redux
yarn add @reduxjs/toolkit


I really enjoy making this app. I learned a lot about Pokemons 😆. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

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