Mobile | Tue Dec 24 202420,323 views

Shopping List App

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Learn to build a local-first, real-time shopping list app using Expo, TinyBase, Clerk, and Cloudflare Durable Objects. Master offline capabilities, real-time syncing, and cross-platform functionality!

📱 iOS DemoApp Store
🌐 Web DemoLive Demo
🛠️ Powered by Expo, TinyBase, Clerk, & Cloudflare

🧙‍♂️ Want to become a React Native master? Check out the React Native Course.

Also, dive into the React with TypeScript Course to master TypeScript, handle payments, and deploy scalable apps. Learn more


To build the Shopping List App, you need to install several dependencies that enable core features of the app. Here's a breakdown of each:

Main Dependencies

  • @clerk/clerk-expo
    Provides authentication and user management functionality seamlessly integrated with Expo.

  • expo-camera
    Enables camera access for scanning QR codes or capturing images within the app.

  • expo-crypto
    Adds cryptographic functions such as hashing and secure key generation for enhanced data security.

  • expo-network
    Used to show an alert when the user is offline.

  • expo-secure-store
    Securely stores sensitive data like authentication tokens or user settings locally on the device.

  • expo-sqlite
    Implements a lightweight, local SQLite database for offline data storage and querying.

  • react-native-qrcode-svg
    Allows the app to generate QR codes for sharing shopping lists.

  • react-native-svg
    Provides support for rendering scalable vector graphics (SVG), required by the QR code generation library.

  • reconnecting-websocket
    Ensures reliable real-time communication by reconnecting automatically if the WebSocket connection is lost.

  • tinybase
    Acts as a state management library optimized for local-first apps, providing reactive data storage and offline capabilities.

npx expo install @clerk/clerk-expo expo-camera expo-crypto expo-network expo-secure-store expo-sqlite react-native-qrcode-svg react-native-svg reconnecting-websocket tinybase

Don't forget to install Cleerk's typescript types:

bun i -D @clerk/types

Watch the video to learn more about the Shopping List App. 👇

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